SacredSpace: Slowness

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Today's letter


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With love,



Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the whole earth revolves — slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.

- Thich Nhat Hanh


What would it look like to integrate slowness into the fabric of our days?


In times of great urgency, let us also rest in the care and presence that slowness offers. Let us cultivate moving slowly in our communities, places of work & homes. May this positively transform how we imagine and experience liberation.



Practice moving with slowness


Take a short walk. Move slowly. Notice the sounds & smells around you. Notice your feet, your body, connecting with the earth, whether concrete or dirt. Notice your thoughts & breathing. Be present with the moment itself.

If supportive, repeat the mantra "I am breathing, I am present, I am alive."


Gather with a friend, partner or in community. Eat a meal together. Take each bite slowly. With care. Appreciate for the nourishment.

Notice the textures, tastes, smells and colors of the food. Close your eyes as you chew. Notice how your mouth and body feel after each bite.

Imagine the journey of this food: from its birth, to your hands. Rest in the powerful connection to others, to the elements of water, earth, air and fire, to the labor & process it took for this food to make its journey from its place of origin to you.


Choose a 30 minute period of your work day (when crafting an email, taking part in a meeting, brainstorming an idea, leading a class or any other multitude of work experiences.) Engage at half the pace. Practice listening to what's happening inside your body and mind. Practice taking a few breaths before responding to others.

After these practices, write about your experience. What did you notice?


‘My journey’ shares some of my practice creating sacred space in my everyday life. In sharing aspects of my intimate, inner world, my hope is to support you in connecting with the vulnerable, sometimes hidden spaces within your own being.


When moving with greater slowness... I am more attuned to my experiences of aliveness. This isn't always easy, but I feel healthier, more clear about what matters to me and where I need to place my attention.

When moving with greater slowness...I feel more connected to myself, my ancestors, my family, emotions, work, community & purpose.

When moving with greater slowness...I remember the preciousness of each experience. I remember that nothing in this life is guaranteed, i remember our fragility, and the importance of embracing aliveness, in all its forms, versus rushing through tasks or to dos.

When moving with greater slowness...

i listen to milkweed seeds, who tell me to call them silkwind and share the wisdom "everything, truly, is so filled with history and aliveness." I follow their guidance.


i feel the cold rain on my feet and think about my grandmother and my mother's cold feet. I am connected with my maternal ancestors.


i explore the inside of seashells with my daughter, in awe of the wild imprints of time and splashes of geometry


i experience grief. my heart caves inside itself at the depth of horror of Israel's recent destruction & attack on Al Shifa hospital in Gaza.


i listen to my partner's feeling beneath his words. I notice when my behavior is hurtful.


i feel when I have strayed too far from the winding river of living in alignment and slowly find my way back to my gifts and light


i rest in the experiences of resistance & letting go within the rapid, ever-evolving transitions of motherhood. In doing this, I honor all mothers.


What are some of your experiences of moving slowly? How does moving slowly support your spiritual path?

In what ways would you like to practice living with more slowness in your life? As always, please feel free to write me, I love to hear from you!


Noelle Ghoussaini

Subscribe to SacredSpace and dip into stories, meditations and creative rituals to create sacred space in our everyday lives. Noelle is a theatre-maker & ritual artist who creates spaces for collective healing, liberation & connection.

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