Dear Reader.
Welcome to SacredSpace.
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With love,
‘My journey’ shares some of my practice creating sacred space in my everyday life. In sharing aspects of my intimate, inner world, my hope is to support you in connecting with the vulnerable, sometimes hidden spaces within your own being.
In my life, meditation continues to be one of the most profound practices for me to cultivate rest. I question whether I have the right to rest or to write about rest at this moment, when there is so much urgency & need to take action right now, for Palestine and for our world. And yet, I trust, with great devotion, that practicing the art of restful awareness as essential in this time. Perhaps rest, along with care, is one of the foundational tenets of building new world visions.
Rest is a sovereign energy to respect, listen to and lean into, to support freedom for all beings.
I know rest isn't always easy. It's not about escaping. It's not even necessarily about sleeping. Or stopping. Or disengaging. For me - rest is about creating spaciousness & quietness in our inner world & body.
From this place of rest, we can cultivate the open awareness, the natural state of presence and care from which we engage, make decisions & take actions.
image from Atelier Assaf, Chouf mountains, Lebanon
What are some of your experiences with rest? Your visions, struggles and joys? Would love to hear from you!
Founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a respected and beloved teacher and meditation master of Yungdrung Bön, the indigenous spiritual tradition of Tibet.
His recent book, Spontaneous Creativity looks at creativity through a wide lens: as a dynamic force that animates us and connects us with every being on the planet. From this perspective, creativity is not just a spark igniting the fire of inspiration. It is a way of living spontaneously from the sacred space within us.
Subscribe to SacredSpace and dip into stories, meditations and creative rituals to create sacred space in our everyday lives. Noelle is a theatre-maker & ritual artist who creates spaces for collective healing, liberation & connection.
Dear Reader, Welcome to SacredSpace! Today's letter Transformation It's been a while since I last wrote! Grateful to connect in this New Year. Sending each of your care and openhearted presence for all that is moving through in these winter days. Below you will find: QUOTE GUIDING REFLECTIONS A RITUAL for TRANSFORMATION MY JOURNEY UPDATES With love, Noelle for mobile users - turn your phone horizontal! QUOTE "My body is moving...changing...this breath is coming in and going out...changing. I...
Dear Reader, Welcome to SacredSpace! Today's letter A Guided Meditation I invite you to join me in a guided meditation (recorded especially for you!) or in person next week for a ritual gathering in NYC. All info below. Amidst the many currents of the ocean we are each part of and experiencing, I hold each of you in my heartspace, and the people and lands of Palestine & Lebanon in particular, in prayer and ceremony. May these intimate SacredSpaces be an offering of loving awareness, sacred...
Dear Reader, Welcome to SacredSpace! Today's letter Lineage Below you will find: A RITUAL for CONNECTION REFLECTIONS MY JOURNEY UPCOMING With love, Noelle A RITUAL for CONNECTION What flowers or herbs connect you to a feeling of home? To your lineage? To yourself? ** If you are able to, see if it feels aligned to bring these flowers or herbs to your home or place of stay, whether fresh or dried. Place the petals or leaves in a bowl of water or bath. Offer a prayer of gratitude to their life...